Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lend A Hand this Holiday Season: Spotlight on Paws With a Cause



Still looking for a way to Lend a Hand and give back this holiday season? Paws With A Cause is a national organization that trains and provides assistance dogs to people with disabilities. Their mission is to encourage independence by training assistance animal and reaching out through education and support programs. Assistance animals and service dogs help their owners in a variety of ways:

“Hearing Dogs learn to alert individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to basic sounds such as a smoke alarm, a ringing telephone, a crying baby or a doorbell. The dog is trained to alert the individual of a sound and then lead them to the sound. If the sound being alerted to is a smoke alarm, the dog then accompanies the owner out of the building. All PAWS Hearing Dogs are taught basic American Sign Language commands.”

“Service Dogs are custom-trained to assist people with physical disabilities or seizure disorders. Service Dogs can perform tasks such as opening doors, turning light switches on/off, or picking up an object as small as a dime. Should the client fall, the dog can even be trained to act as a brace so the person can regain position.”

“To children with Autism, everyone, everywhere and everything is 'outside' of their world. Dogs can break into this world by always being there when they are needed by the child; dogs don't pass judgment on a child, like humans tend to do. By nature, the dog does not care that the child has Autism; they only care that they are a part of the child's life.”

Read about all these trained animal companions can do here:

If you would like to Lend A Hand to this organization, Paws With A Cause welcomes your donation but also is in need of volunteers. You can foster an animal or learn to become a trainer! Learn more here:

Lend A Hand this holiday season and make sure everyone is treated with Dignity & Respect. And if you have a charitable organization that you would like to spotlight, share it with us on our Facebook wall!

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