Friday, November 30, 2012

How Will You Lend a Hand?

The Dignity & Respect Campaign hopes you had a great Thanksgiving and wishes you the very best holiday season!  As we approach the winter holidays, giving back is on our minds. 
How have you lent a hand to someone in need?  We want to be inspired by your ideas.  If you have a great story on how you helped someone out or how pitching in impacted your community, now is the time to share it with the world and encourage others to lend a hand for the holidays.
How are you planning to give back this holiday season?  If you are planning a food drive, hosting a charity event, or cheering up a relative in a nursing home, tell us about it!  If you have an inventive way to spread Dignity & Respect during the holidays, let us know.   Share your ideas on how to lend a hand this holiday season and you may inspire others to do the same. 
Share your stories with us on our Facebook wall and let’s make this the season of giving back! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Lend a Hand This Holiday Season

One of the most beneficial and rewarding aspects of the Dignity & Respect Campaign is centered around Tip 29: Lend a Hand.  Whether it’s volunteering at a food shelter, helping a neighbor rake leaves or shovel snow,  or even donating clothing you don’t wear, it is usually the little things you do that can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Below are some examples of how you can lend a hand. If you have any ideas or personal success stories about lending a hand in your community, share them with us on our Facebook or Twitter pages!

Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway – Steeler Nation Joins Dignity & Respect Campaign to Help Families in Need Celebrate Thanksgiving  > Learn More

Clean-up Drives – Throughout the year, local Dignity & Respect Councils are involved in organized clean-up drives through community. Start a clean-up drive your community!

Donation Days or Days of Service – The Dignity & Respect Campaign encourages collaborations with United Way, schools, food banks, faith-based organizations, and community organizations. Participate in an existing day of service, collect some canned goods or gently worn items, select an organization, gather a few friends or colleagues, and lend a hand to an organization that needs you.

Holiday Drives – Partner with a shelter to donate food, gifts, or time. Bring others some holiday cheer this season!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dignity & Respect Month a Success!

1. We exceeded our goal of 125,000 Pledges by 2,000 for a total of 127,083 pledges.

2. Fans of the Dignity & Respect Facebook page increased by 20%.

3. We received proclamations from 18 municipalities throughout western Pennsylvania, where the campaign started, plus Pitt County, North Carolina, and Washoe County, Nevada.

4. Nominations for Dignity & Respect Champions were received from coast (Massachusetts) to coast (Florida) to coast (Oregon).

5. The winning video was submitted by a new father from Donora, PA.
>Watch winning video here:

6. Most importantly, we received valuable feedback through the D&R Survey from individuals and organizations about being treated with dignity and respect.

Once again we Say "Thank You" for all of your support and for Taking 5 minutes to make a difference.