Saturday, November 5, 2011

Celebrating Former Dignity & Respect Champions: Will Thompkins



As we continue to take time to remember past Dignity & Respect champions, let us honor
Will Thompkins, our first ever Dignity & Respect honoree back in February 2010 for his work as the director of community and outreach at The Pittsburgh Project, a nonprofit community development organization with a 25-year track record of developing leaders and serving the city’s most vulnerable residents.

Thompkins said a strong faith foundation and a desire to make his family proud are what it takes for him to live a life filled with dignity and respect, but it all began with his parents. “Anything I did in my life, I never wanted to do any dishonor to them. Wherever I lived and traveled – in college and the military – I tried to carry myself in a way that my parents would be very proud of me.” Today, his two sons serve as a daily inspiration. “I want to live in a way that they would want to emulate,” Thompkins said.

Will’s community service also includes work on the following boards - KidsVoice, Pittsburgh Branch NAACP, Children 2 Champions, Northside Old Timers, Pittsburgh United, and The 100 Black Men of Western Pennsylvania. Will has a special affinity for interacting with and counseling youth and young adults. He is very caring, actively involved in community work, and occasionally runs and shoots pool.

If you would like to nominate a Dignity & Respect Champion, visit us here. Let us continue to recognize everyone who works tirelessly for inclusion!

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