Monday, October 22, 2012

Take Five: Nominate a Champion!


Nominate an individual or organization you believe reflects the qualities of a D&R Champion. You can nominate more than one D&R Champion. Nominations will be accepted from October 1- October 31, 2012 (11:59pm PST). Each individual and organization nominated will be featured on the D&R website and facebook page as a 2012 D&R Champion.


Identify the individual and/or organization you would like to nominate.

Submit nomination on facebook -


To Nominate an Individual:

D&R Champion qualities of an INDIVIDUAL:

             Practices the 30 Tips of Dignity & Respect

             Models inclusive behaviors

             Gives back to others


Nominate on Facebook

             Post an appropriate photo of the nominee on facebook.

             Please tag the nominee on facebook photo, if nominee is on facebook.

             In the write something…” box, please provide a brief example of how the individual exemplifies each of D&R Champion qualities for an individual listed above.


Nominate via email

             Provide a brief example of how the individual exemplifies each of D&R Champion qualities of an individual listed above.

             Attach an appropriate photo of the individual.

             Please include (cc:) the nominee on your email submission, if you have email address.


To Nominate an Organization: 

D&R Champion qualities of an ORGANIZATION:

             Demonstrates leadership commitment to maintain culture of dignity and respect

             Creates an inclusive workplace

             Practices its own organizational values


Nominate on Facebook

             Post a logo or photo from the organization on facebook.

             Please tag the nominee on facebook photo, if nominee is on facebook.

             In the write something…” box, please provide a brief example of how the organization exemplifies each of D&R Champion qualities of an organization listed above.


Nominate via email

             Provide a brief example of how the individual exemplifies each of D&R Champion qualities of an organization listed above.

             Attach logo or photo from the organization..

             Please include (cc:) an organization contact on your email submission, if you have the email address.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Venango County Celebrate Dignity & Respect Month!

The official of Venango County, Pennsylvania have declared October Dignity & Respect Month.  If you would like October to be declared D&R month in your area, download all the tools you need here:

Be an ambassador for Dignity & Respect in your home town!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Take Five: Request a D&R Month Proclamation



Request a D&R Proclamation. Create visibility about your city’s or county’s commitment to dignity and respect by submitting a proclamation. Consider your proclamation request an opportunity to identify yourself as a citizen committed to the principles of dignity and respect for your community. 

1. Contact a local city and council elected official to request a proclamation.
2. Create your D&R Proclamation request using our downloadable templates available here:

o   Draft a cover letter.

o   Include draft of 2012 D&R Proclamation.

o   Include supporting materials such as our 30 Tips Brochure and other Proclamations. 

3. Mail or hand deliver your cover letter, draft Proclamation and supporting materials. 
4. Once signed, pick up the Proclamation in person – that way, it can’t be damaged or lost in the mail and you can personally thank the person who helped you out – you may want to do this again. 
5. Submit proclamation to

Monday, October 8, 2012

Take Five for Dignity & Respect Month: Share a Video!

Dignity & Respect Tip 20 is: SHARE YOUR POINT OF VIEW!
This Dignity & Respect Month we are asking you to create a D&R video and encourage your colleagues, contacts, Facebook friends, and twitter followers to share their stories.    Two winning video(s) will be selected for D&R Month October 2012, one for the most number of Facebook “likes” and  one for most YouTube “views” for the month.  Each winner will receive a $1,000 D&R Visa gift card!

All you have to do is Take Five! 

1.  Complete the following statement on your video:

“Dignity and respect means…”

“Dignity and respect is important because...”

“My favorite Dignity & Respect Tip is … because...”

Be creative and include your friends and colleagues in your video!  Make sure your videos are no more than 2 minutes long and do not include explicit language or expressions.

2.  Your video should end with the following statement:

“I’ve taken the D&R Pledge to treat everyone deserves dignity and respect. Have you?” Learn more at or

3.  Post your D&R video on Facebook or YouTube.  (By posting your video to the D&R facebook page and/or DRCampaign YouTube channel you grant permission for the D&R Campaign to use your D&R video on the D&R website and D&R facebook page. The Dignity & Respect Campaign reserved the right to remove any video that are inconsistent with the mission of the Campaign.)

4.  Encourage your friends to “like” your facebook posting or view your D&R video on YouTube video.

5.  Winning videos will be featured on the Dignity & Respect Campaign website and Facebook page for up to one year! 

So get inspired and share your message of Dignity & Respect with us! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Have You Taken the Pledge?

October is Dignity & Respect Month.  All month long, we want all our fans and followers to help us spread a message of Dignity & Respect.  Help us reach our goal of reaching 50,000 Facebook Fans by sharing our Dignity & Respect pledge with your friends, coworkers, and family. 

Do you believe that all people deserve Dignity & Respect?  Do you believe that Dignity & Respect is the first step towards inclusion?  If so, signing our pledge is so easy:

1.        Just by becoming a Fan of our Facebook Page, your voice becomes part of a chorus of supporters of Dignity & Respect.  Share our page with you Facebook Fans and get the word out!

2.       Send a message with our Animal App and you can cheer up you friends while spreading awareness of Dignity & Respect. 

3.       Sign the pledge directly on our website!  Why not get your coworkers to sign the pledge around the lunch table?  Just log in and add your name to our supporters!

4.       Send us a direct message to @DRCampaign via Twitter.  Just tell us you will treat everyone with Dignity & Respect and let your voice be heard! 
5.    Just text RESPECT to 313131

So what are you waiting for?  Become a supporter of Dignity & Respect today.  It is just that easy! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Take Five! -- Five Things You Can Do to Celebrate Dignity & Respect Month

October is Dignity & Respect Month!  All October long, we will be making a special effort to encourage everyone around us to practice the 30 Dignity & Respect Tips and spread our message of Dignity & Respect nationwide.  If you believe that all people deserve Dignity & Respect, help us spread the word!    Each week in October we will be hosting online events:

1.       Share the Pledge.  Get your friends, family and coworkers to sign our Dignity & Respect pledge!  Help us get to 50,000 Facebook Fans this October by sharing our page and using our Dignity & Respect animal app to spread messages of Dignity & Respect.

2.      Shoot a Video. Do you have a message of Dignity & Respect to share? We want to hear it. We will ask you to answer a question about Dignity & Respect. Create a video and you could win a special D&R prize!
3.       Promote Our Proclamation. Would you like your town, county, or school district to declare October Dignity & Respect Month? We will give you the tools to let your community know that you believe in Dignity & Respect for all people.

4.       Nominate a Champion.  Do you know someone who represents the principles of Dignity & Respect.  Send us a photo and explain why your hero is a Dignity & Respect Champion. 

5.       Take Our Survey.  We want to know more about you and how issues of Dignity & Respect influence your life.  Share your experience with us!

It is going to be an exciting month!  We hope you celebrate with us all month long!