Friday, February 15, 2013

Take a Healthy Step: Quitting Smoking

This month we are asking all our fans and followers to take a healthy step. If you are a smoker, you probably are aware of all the negative repercussions of smoking.  But self-shaming is often a terrible motivator for change.  Think instead about all the positive aspects of quitting and you may feel more motivated to change your life for the better.  You owe it to yourself to feel great!

Did you know…


Immediately after your last cigarette:

§  No more burns in your clothes, furniture, and car.

  • Your body’s healing processes begin.

20 minutes after your last cigarette:

  • Your blood pressure lowers.
  • Your hands and feet warm up.

8 hours after your last cigarette:

  • The carbon monoxide level in your blood returns to normal.

24 hours after your last cigarette:

  • Your heart attack risk decreases.
  • You are less short of breath.
  • You save money ($6 per pack).

3 days after your last cigarette:

  • Your family and friends are happier.
  • Your senses of taste and smell improve.
  • Your skin begins to look and feel better.
  • You have increased energy.

About 1 week after your last cigarette:

  • Your mood improves.
  • You are less irritable.

2 weeks after your last cigarette:

  • Your circulation improves.
  • Your lung function increases.

1 to 9 months after your last cigarette:

  • Smoker’s cough decreases.
  • Your lungs’ cleansing function returns to normal.
  • Your risk for infection decreases.

1 year after your last cigarette:

  • Your heart attack risk is half that of a smoker.
  • You’ve saved $2,190 or more from not buying cigarettes.
  • Freedom! You’re not a slave to smoking any longer.

5 to 15 years after quitting:

  • Your stroke risk is equal to that of a non-smoker.

10 years after quitting:

  • Your lung cancer risk is half that o a smoker.
  • Your risk of cancer decreases (including cancer of the mouth, throat, bladder, etc.).

15 years after quitting:

  • Your risk of heart disease is equal to that of a non-smoker.


Learn more about the benefits of quitting here: 

Share your ideas on how to take a healthy step on our Facebook wall or message us on Twitter!